How do I cancel my subscription?
We're sorry to have
Go to the Manage Subscription tab at the very top of your browser page to change subscription preferences.

You can cancel your app subscription from the Members Area - the same place where you downloaded it. Just follow the below steps:
1. Go to the login page
From any page on, move your mouse to the MEMBERS AREA menu link in the upper-right hand side of the page. When your mouse is there, you will see a LOG IN option appear. Please click on LOG IN.
2. Enter your username and password to login
At the MEMBER LOG IN page, enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD that you should have received by email and click LOG IN.

Didn't receive any username or password?
Your username is your EMAIL ADDRESS that you signed up with.
If you already had a login for the FREE members area, your login for the meal plans will be the same. If not, one was created for you and emailed to you.
If you didn't receive it or don't know your password, click here for the help article on getting or resetting your password.
Once you have the password, go back to the login page above to login with it.
3. Go to the Meal Plans page
After you log in, click on the LOW CARB & KETO MEAL PLANS link on the left side of the page.
4. Manage your Meal Plan subscription
On the Meal Plan page, scroll down and click the MANAGE SUBSCRIPTION HERE button.

5. Enter your email address
In the Update info/view purchase history page, enter the email address you used to sign up for the Meal Plan Subscription and click the Send me my link button.
6. Check your email inbox for an email from ThriveCart
Check your email box for an email from with the subject of "Update info / view purchase history". ThriveCart is a third-party service I use to help process your Meal Plan Subscriptions.
It might be in your spam folder, so if you find it there please drag it out or mark it "not spam". Open the email and click the "Click here to update your info or view your purchase history" link.

7. Click Subscriptions

You're all done!
Your Meal Plan Subscription has been cancelled and you will no longer be billed.
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